
Epic MegaGrants:2021年更新

虚幻引擎 虚幻引擎 2022-08-31

从一开始,Epic MegaGrants的目标就只有一个:以积极促进创新和成功的方式支持开发者和创作者的社区。我们知道,如果做得好,整个行业都会受益,毕竟水涨船高。

今天,我们要高兴地告诉大家,自从Epic MegaGrants于2019年启动以来,该计划已为89个国家/地区的1600多名创作者和团队提供了支持,仅今年就有近400名新受资助者从该计划中受益。

“当想象力与创新相碰撞时,便产生了无限的可能性,再加上虚幻引擎这样向所有人开放的领先工具,创作者将能够自由地表达自我,不受任何限制。”Epic MegaGrants和战略总监Chris Kavcsak说,“通过Epic MegaGrants,我们获得了一个特殊的机会,不仅能够加速实现这一愿景,也能为世界各地数以百计的人才和团队提供支持,助力他们实现梦想,继续做出惊人的成果。”

Epic MegaGrants代表着我们1亿美元的承诺,全球范围内任何使用虚幻引擎做着杰出工作或为3D图形社区贡献开源力量的人,无论他们是在创作一款给玩家带来乐趣的游戏,还是在故事片中讲述故事,又或是使用最先进的医疗培训解决方案帮助拯救生命,我们都将为其提供支持。

点击观看MegaGrants 2021最新集锦

从恐龙生存游戏到准备好拥抱元宇宙的时装设计平台,让我们在下方看看,今年Epic MegaGrants资助的项目中,有哪些令人印象深刻的内容。如果你想申请Epic MegaGrants资助,请访问:



《Sayri:The Beginning》

Vidloonnya Reborn


《Crab Champions》



《Bot Rods》

Holy Cow Productions / Hobo Interactive / The Cirqus

《Bot Rods》是一款适合家庭的街机游戏,充满了可爱的机器人角色,在这个未来风格的世界中展开追逐吧!使用强化道具、古怪的武器和捷径一路驶向终点。

《The Lost Wild》

Great Ape Games

《The Lost Wild》是一款生存恐怖类游戏,玩家将面对AI驱动的恐龙,它们的反应和行为更像动物,而非怪兽。在郁郁葱葱的荒野中探索杂草丛生的日本研究设施,搜寻各个位置并找到宝物,建造临时装置,为战斗做好准备。应变、智取、威吓、忍耐,这样才能找到逃脱的方法。

《Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King》

Redlock Studio


《The Antimatter Kid》

Cosmic Brew Studios

每个孩子都有自己最爱的玩具,对Mateo来说,那就是他的Optiman玩具人偶。但如果Optiman突然消失了怎么办?谁将帮助Mateo揭开Optiman消失背后的秘密——并挽救一个家庭悲剧?在复古平台游戏《The Antimatter Kid》讲述的感人故事中寻找答案。



18 Degrees






Hook Up Animation



Midnight Scientists

《Forlorn》是Alex St. Pierre创作的动作冒险动画短片。它讲述了一个雇佣兵寻宝者闯入一座古城,遇到了她始料未及的事情。


Bunko Studios

《Tranz-A-Tronz®》现已在Amazon Prime上播出,它恶搞了儿童教育娱乐节目,主角是废弃空间站中原本用来看护人类孩子的机器人。虽然剧中没有人类,但机器人仍在继续着它被误导的日常“教学”工作。


MELS Studios


TF Studio与Season 0

The Fabricant

通过The Fabricant Studio平台,你可以与3D设计师和时尚品牌合作,并在你贡献的所有作品中保留创作者的所有权份额,让你在元宇宙中创作数字时装,拥有和穿着它们,或通过它们盈利。

Intelligent Cycling

b.ReX GmbH

准备好来一场室内骑行之旅了吗?根据你的实时锻炼数据,通过Intelligent Cycling探索超过13个不断变化的VR环境,这款软件完全免费,可在macOS、Windows、Android和iOS上使用(仅桌面版本提供3D场景)。




Dragon.IK - Universal Inverse Kinematics Plugin

Eternal Monke Games



The Last Gameboard


Daz to Unreal Bridge

Daz 3D

使用Daz to Unreal Bridge插件将你的Genesis 8和Genesis 3内容直接迁移到虚幻引擎中,为你的3D游戏和动画项目导入你最爱的Daz内容。


Virtual Events




ALICEVISION association

AliceVision为摄影测量提供了一个完全集成的开源框架,可从一组无序的图像中推断出场景的几何形状。AliceVision技术广泛用于Technicolor Creative Studios等公司的管线中,包含3D重建、全景HDR创建和摄像机跟踪等工具,已被下载约100万次。





以下是同意被列入此次公告的Epic MegaGrant受资助者的完整名单:

  • Kim Kulling - Open Asset Import Library(德国)
  • 1336 Studios - GridIron(美国)
  • 302 Planet Inc - Magic Hanja: New World (韩国)
  • 3DClouds Srl - King of Seas(意大利)
  • 3D Live, Inc - Ghost Tile Camera(美国)
  • 3D Repo (斯洛伐克)
  • 511GAMES Co. Ltd. (韩国)
  • 530Friday - The Hadron Effect Episode 2(英国)
  • 6th Sense VR - Ayatana Concept (法国)
  • 8K WORLD - CAA Material Library (土耳其)
  • 9heads Games Studios - No Captain Allowed! (巴西)
  • 9M Interactive Co., Ltd - 9M Pro-baseball (韩国)
  • Abyss Robotics - Unreal Engine Underwater Vehicle Simulation(美国)
  • AccelByte - BlackBox(美国)
  • Adam Stewart    - Hex Gambit: Respawned(美国)
  • Aeonsparx Interactive Sdn Bhd - Zombie Soup (马来西亚)
  • AeroStraße - AeroStraße's Simulator 1(加拿大)
  • Agate - Project Brightlands (印度尼西亚)
  • Alex Grade - Ardein.Arise (俄罗斯)
  • Alexi Balian - Twinmotion Lookout Tower(加拿大)
  • ALICEVISION association - AliceVision (法国)
  • ALO VR - VigourVR (Singapore)
  • AlphaFlare(德国)
  • Amberg Group - Linked Common Data Environment(瑞士)
  • American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) - Standard Evaluation Material II (StEM2)(美国)
  • Amplify Creations - Amplify Animation Pack 葡萄牙
  • Animation Nights New York(美国)
  • Arcademic Ltd.(英国)
  • Arcils - Thakuru Wars (马尔代夫)
  • Arcturus - HoloActor(美国)
  • Ares Dragonis - The Shore (希腊)
  • Art Reality Studio - IVR 6(美国)
  • Artic Hazard Game Studios - Norse(挪威)
  • Ash Allan - Valkyrie Sound - Unreal Engine 4 Audio Tutorials(英国)
  • Athens University of Economics and Business - Rayground (希腊)
  • AtomicBlue - PlaneShift(美国)
  • autosave - SOWON (韩国)
  • Awaceb - Tchia (法国)
  • BaboonLab S.L. - Dekrs (西班牙)
  • BACKSTAGE VFX - Sacred Tomb (印度)
  • Bamtang Games S.A.C. (秘鲁)
  • Barry Dineen - Reflect Horizons (澳大利亚)
  • Bartosz Strumillo(英国)
  • BASEMENTMODE - Rise Against the Invaders(美国)
  • Batıkan Kalkan - Project: Time Travel (土耳其)
  • Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design - Sandbox - Virtual Production for Independent Filmmakers(以色列)
  • Big Byte Studios Inc. - Seeds of Earth: The Singular Anomaly(美国)
  • Big hART - SKATE - Powered by Unreal Engine (澳大利亚)
  • Big Heart Productions     - Castle on the Coast(美国)
  • BIMSynch Ltd - BIMSynch (Latvia)
  • BioMedX Group Inc. - X3 3D Physics Engine(美国)
  • Bizzlogic - Virtual Events(德国)
  • Brainstorm Multimedia S.L. - EDISON - Unreal Template Based AR Solution for Education (西班牙)
  • Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) - Photogrammetry to Rigged Face Pipeline (荷兰)
  • Bree Whitford Smith - Time Writers (澳大利亚)
  • b.ReX GmbH - Intelligent Cycling (丹麦)
  • BRUNNER Elektronik AG - Unreal Engine Integration for BRUNNER NOVASIM VR/MR(瑞士)
  • BugSplat LLC(美国)
  • Bunko Studios - Tranz-A-Tronz(美国)
  • Burgos Games LLC - Neko Ghost, Jump!(美国)
  • Byker Biotech Pty Ltd - VR Lab for 3D human specimens (中国)
  • Byte Kinematics - The Unexpected Adventure(美国)
  • Caracal Games Studio(意大利)
  • Cellar Vault Games - Short Creepy Tales Series (马来西亚)
  • Čeněk Štrichel     - Cenda - Tools for Blender (捷克)
  • CG Cookie - Don’t Eat Sheep: Create a real-time animated short with Unreal + Blender(美国)
  • cgApprentice(英国)
  • CGHero - Unreal Engine Simulation Starter Environments and Community(英国)
  • CGWire - DCC Integration for Kitsu the Open Source Production Tracker (法国)
  • Changsha Hengyao Technology Co. Ltd.(Fanyi Studio) - Architectural virtual simulation education based on UE4 Twinmotion (中国)
  • Chashu Entertainment LLC - Sands of Aura(美国)
  • Chauncey Technologies LLC    - Chauncey Technologies(美国)
  • Claire "MsVelsina" Murray(加拿大)
  • CLO Virtual Fashion - CLO3D(美国)
  • Clocked Gaming - Defense Corp - Earth (荷兰)
  • Cloth Cat Animation Limited - Unreal for Series Animation(英国)
  • Cloudalize - Application-As-A-Service Cloud Platform That Provides High-End UE4 Experiences (比利时)
  • Code Three Fifty One - Project Haven 葡萄牙
  • Colorbleed - Single Out (荷兰)
  • Columbus State University - EnerTraders: An Educational Simulation Game for P2P Energy Trading(美国)
  • Comino Media Ltd (Cinesite) - Cinesite Real-Time Feature Animation R&D(英国)
  • Cosmic Brew Studios - The Antimatter Kid (阿根廷)
  • Crater Training Center - Train the Trainers (塞尔维亚)
  • Createxion - Draw-It AR (印度)
  • Crisis Response Leader Training, Inc(美国)
  • Critical Failure Studio(美国)
  • Critical Hit Games(波兰)
  • CyberPunch Studios - The Fabled Woods(美国)
  • Cyberwave UG - Hourglass(德国)
  • Dactle - Digital Twin for Autonomous Vehicle Development(美国)
  • dandelion + burdock LLC - Fashion: Virtual Production(英国)
  • Dawa Future (Beijing) Graphic Technology Co., Ltd - MU Tools (中国)
  • Daz Productions Inc. - Daz To Unreal Bridge(美国)
  • Demcon nymus3d - Inner Tales (荷兰)
  • Demian Rugna - When Evil Lurks (阿根廷)
  • Devata Game Production - Biwar: Legend of Dragon Slayer (印度尼西亚)
  • DevEnabled - Weekly YouTube Tutorials(英国)
  • Digital Air - 4D Human Datasets for Open Source 4D Research + Standards Development(美国)
  • Digital Dimension Entertainment Group(加拿大)
  • Dion Moult - BlenderBIM Add-on (澳大利亚)
  • Dmitro Tsalko - EnergoVR (乌克兰)
  • DoubleMoose Games AB - EOS Integration for ‘Just Die Already’ Game(瑞典)
  • Dream1studio(智利)
  • Dreams Uncorporated(哥伦比亚)
  • D.ROCK-ART - Knights On Debris (中国)
  • Duality Robotics Inc. - Migrate Falcon Autonomy Sim. To Chaos Physics and Ref. Implementation of USD-RBD(美国)
  • Ecole nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre - La Cambre RV (比利时)
  • EFLA Engineering - Time changes everything.(冰岛)
  • Elastic Audio - Intonal(美国)
  • Elitic - PitBots (立陶宛)
  • Elseware Experience - Broken Pieces (法国)
  • Energy Institute High School - Interactive Experiences Project(美国)
  • Eric Mehl - Gaffer for Windows Port(美国)
  • Escape LLC - Song of Iron(美国)
  • Eternal Monke Games - Dragon.IK - Inverse Kinematics For Animals (印度)
  • Eternal Wave - Tidewoken(奥地利)
  • Evans Bohl - Become an Indie Game Developer Course (The B.I.G. Developer Course) (法属波利尼西亚)
  • False Prophet    - BEAST(波兰)
  • Fashion Foresight - Semblance Project (阿联酋)
  • Fear of Corn - Interference: Dead Air(美国)
  • Fireline Games(波兰)
  • Fireplace Games (法国)
  • Fishing Cactus (比利时)
  • Flight School Studio - Stonefly(美国)
  • Florian Girardot - Metronom (法国)
  • FrameMotion Studio Sdn Bhd The Sentinels Uprising Gaiden (马来西亚)
  • FreeCAD - FreeCAD gears workbench(奥地利)
  • Game Cooks - Abunka(黎巴嫩)
  • GameLab - Unreal Classroom(奥地利)
  • GeorgesChitiga - UnrealSales.io(罗马尼亚)
  • Get Up Games BVBA - Blazing Sails (比利时)
  • Gladius Studios - Ese Pobre Lechón (波多黎各)
  • Gloomsoft Oy - Moadra (芬兰)
  • Godmode Interactive - Ronin 2072(加拿大)
  • GoldenCup Games - Heretic's Lot (乌克兰)
  • Gonçalo Marques - UI Navigation 葡萄牙
  • Good War Games - Cattle Punk(美国)
  • Great Ape Games - The Lost Wild(英国)
  • Greylock Games Studio - IMPACT(美国)
  • Gruby Entertainment(波兰)
  • Grzegorz Styczeń - Manor Lords(波兰)
  • Grzegorz Wronkowski(波兰)
  • Gustavo Silva - Glider Space 葡萄牙
  • Guzo Technologies (Ethiopia)
  • Hadean Supercomputing Ltd. - Cloud Gaming Unreal-Aether Integration: Distributed MMO, Openworld Games, and Metaverse Development(英国)
  • HaZ Film Ltd. - RIFT(英国)
  • HC Global Distribution Limited - Gravewood High (俄罗斯)
  • HeritageZ(德国)
  • Holy Cow Productions / Hobo Interactive / The Cirqus - Bot Rods (印度)
  • Hook Up Animation - Gilgamesh (阿根廷)
  • HOWEST Digital Arts and Entertainment (比利时)
  • HumanCodeable - Advanced VR Framework(德国)
  • Imagination - Virtual Studio Programme(英国)
  • IMP - Interactive Media Production - VR Fire Safety Simulator
  • Infilope Studio - Parkour Hero: Zoo Run (捷克)
  • inkle - ink(英国)
  • James Goldsworthy - Mr Mannequins Tools(英国)
  • James Hall - THROWDOWN(美国)
  • JangaFX LLC - EmberGen(美国)
  • Javier Gonzalez - Synth Rebirth(英国)
  • Jiong (Richard) Yu(加拿大)
  • John Lawrence Brynley Cadman (泰国)
  • Joinplay Games - Amma: Chronicles of lost stars (喀麦隆)
  • Jolly Roger Game - RAN: Lost Islands (中国)
  • Joshua Wilson - Conduit(加拿大)
  • Juan Pablo Bouza - BlenRig (阿根廷)
  • Kabir Punde (印度)
  • Kaedim(英国)
  • Kaisa Liimatainen - The Virtual Prostate - 3D Histology Visualization (芬兰)
  • Kenney - Kenney Game Assets (荷兰)
  • KeokeN Interactive B.V. (荷兰)
  • Leartes Studios - Retro CyberPunk Environment Megapack and More(波兰)
  • Legends of Learning - Unreal Game Development for Legends of Learning(美国)
  • Lemay - AR Workflow from Revit to Reality(加拿大)
  • LHC Design - LHC Interactive Site Plans(英国)
  • Lightscape VR(德国)
  • Lizardcube - Dear ImGui (法国)
  • Loomiarts - SQUADRON 51 (巴西)
  • Lost Criteria Studios - Blackstorm (西班牙)
  • Luden.io - Rewire (俄罗斯)
  • Lumino Games - AFTERBLAST(波兰)
  • Luminova UK Ltd. - Hyperview(英国)
  • Luos (荷兰)
  • MadLife Divertissement Inc. - Zorya: The Celestial Sisters(加拿大)
  • Magiapp.Ltd - NaReRu (日本)
  • Marquette University - Immersive and Augmented Media Design Fellowship(美国)
  • MASA Group - Direct AI Plugin (法国)
  • Matt Deegan - Exploring nonlinear time within interactive & adaptive electronic music composition(英国)
  • Mattia Ciurlino - MidKnight Story(美国)
  • Mattia Silvestro - RPG Creation Kit(意大利)
  • Mayhem Mirror Studios - The Seed of Juna(英国)
  • Melonhead Games Pty Ltd - Rooftop Renegade (澳大利亚)
  • MELS Studios - MELS Virtual Production(加拿大)
  • Merlino Games - The Chameleon (Mexico)
  • Method to Madness Studios (印度)
  • Midnight Scientists - Forlorn(美国)
  • Mimic Technologies Inc.(美国)
  • Minas Programam (巴西)
  • Modelfarm Studio PTY Ltd. (澳大利亚)
  • Monochrome Corp - Tandem: A Tale of Shadows (法国)
  • MotusXR - MotusXR(美国)
  • +Mpact Games LLC - Hanako: Honor & Blade(美国)
  • Mr. Kite - Glimpse(英国)
  • Myrkur Games(冰岛)
  • N°130 (法国)
  • Nahyan Farooq - Space Game Engineering by PSSEC (Pakistan)
  • National University of San Martín - UNSAM Training Program, Research & Development with Unreal Engine (阿根廷)
  • Nature Manufacture - Lava Auto Material(波兰)
  • Neil Khera - FauxRanger(美国)
  • Nemisindo Limited - Procedural Audio Worlds (PAWs)(英国)
  • New Mexico State University Grants - NMSU Grants Game Dev/XR Expansion Project(美国)
  • New Reality Co. - Rainforest: A Multiplayer AR Experience(美国)
  • New York University (NYU) - IDM Virtual Production Curriculum Development(美国)
  • Next Technologies - Reverie (澳大利亚)
  • NextNav LLC - Unreal Plugin for NextNav Vertical Location SDK(美国)
  • Nineva Studios (乌克兰)
  • Noisestorm - Crab Champions (Ireland)
  • Noovo Inc. - About Cell Animation Production Using Unreal Engine (日本)
  • Normal(美国)
  • North Carolina State University (NCSU) - transVRse(美国)
  • Oakland University - Augmented Reality Center (ARC) for Industrial Applications (United States)
  • Okan Erenli - ANCIENT SOULS : The Governor (土耳其)
  • Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology - Unreal Virtual Set Design Training(美国)
  • Old DominIon University's Virginia Modeling, Analysis & Simulation Center - Maritime Careers Experience (MCx)(美国)
  • Omeda Studios - Predecessor(英国)
  • One Animation - Oddbods (Singapore)
  • One Pixel Dog PTY Ltd. (澳大利亚)
  • ONMOTIO - Immersive Technical Training in Inhospitable or Dangerous Zones Using VR(加拿大)
  • Open House Games - A Tale Of Paper (西班牙)
  • Orbital Mechanics Inc. - Levels(加拿大)
  • Out of the Blue Games SL. - Call of the Sea (西班牙)
  • Passion Pictures Ltd.(英国)
  • Passionrepublic Games Sdn. Bhd. - GigaBash (马来西亚)
  • Petr Luchko (俄罗斯)
  • Pinscreen Inc. - PaGAN: AI-Generated Real-Time Avatars for UE4(美国)
  • Pixel Canvas Inc. - Reiko's Fragments(美国)
  • PixelMill - Lacuna Brevis(英国)
  • PlusMusic - PlusMusic Unreal Plugin(美国)
  • Polaris Industries Inc.    - Agrippa(美国)
  • Polyart Studio - Pixel 2D(英国)
  • Polytron Corporation(加拿大)
  • Pragma - Pragma Platform(美国)
  • Primal Game Studio / Mandragora Team - Mandragora (Hungary)
  • Prince Charles Secondary School(加拿大)
  • Progen     - Sage: The Syndicate (South Africa)
  • Pug Life Studio - Mesh Morpher(罗马尼亚)
  • Pulsatrix Studios - Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel (巴西)
  • Qi Wei Liu - Sword Soul (中国)
  • Quakeup Media Production Inc. - Real-Time Virtual Fitting Room(加拿大)
  • Quicksand Design Studio Pvt. Ltd. - Antariksha Sanchar : Transmissions in Space (印度)
  • RADiCAL Solutions LLC - Motion by RADiCAL (丹麦)
  • RainStyle production - On Air (俄罗斯)
  • Rapax Games - Polars (Hungary)
  • Ravn Studio - Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond(挪威)
  • Raytracer PTY Ltd. - Underwater Virtual Reality Simulation for Astronaut Training (澳大利亚)
  • RealityArts Studio / Velarion - The Stranger (土耳其)
  • Real­-Time Innovations Inc.(美国)
  • Recursoft - Logic Driver Pro(美国)
  • RedSoup - Westwood Shadows (法国)
  • Refik Anadol Studio - Connectome(美国)
  • Relish Productions Inc.(加拿大)
  • Replica Film LLC - Replica(美国)
  • Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) - DataDiVR Interactive Data Analytics Platform(奥地利)
  • Revolver Amsterdam BV - The Occupant (荷兰)
  • Roberto De Ioris - glTFRuntime(意大利)
  • Robi Studios - Blue Fire (阿根廷)
  • Roborace - 'Mecca'(英国)
  • Roman Levin(以色列)
  • Romeo615videos - Virtual Production Music Videos(美国)
  • Ross Video Ltd. - nDisplay Workflow Tools Using Lucid and Voyager, Emphasis on Broadcast Pipelines(加拿大)
  • ROTU Entertainment & Media Ltd. - Rhythm of the Universe: IONIA(美国)
  • Royal Shakespeare Company - Dream(英国)
  • RPGScenery Team - RPGScenery (Hungary)
  • RPS - Open World Environments on an Infrastructural Project(英国)
  • Ryan Manning - Educational YouTube Channel(美国)
  • Sam Read(英国)
  • Scavengers Studio - Season(加拿大)
  • SCIEMENT Inc. - Viewtify (日本)
  • Sean Weech - Holomento(美国)
  • SecondaryBounce (西班牙)
  • Secret Location - Waking Wonderland(加拿大)
  • Section 9 Interactive AB - Untitled project(瑞典)
  • Shadowriver (荷兰)
  • Sheffield Hallam University - Virtual Escape(英国)
  • Shenzhen Bingo Culture Technology Co. Ltd. - KAKU: Ancient Seal (中国)
  • Shiftup Corp. - Project EVE (韩国)
  • Shocap Entertainment Ltd. - Project LiViCi / Ringmaster VPS(加拿大)
  • SideFX - Houdini and Unreal: Procedural Workflows for the UE Editor(加拿大)
  • Siili Auto Oy - Automotive Infotainment System Demo (芬兰)
  • SimCentric Technologies Ltd. - SAF-TAC Behaviour Engine for Doctrinal Military Behaviours (Sri Lanka)
  • SimGraphics Engineering Corporation - AI-VActor Interactive Virtual Personalities(美国)
  • Simone Tomasello - 3D Reconstruction of ''Maria Santissima dell'Elemosina''(意大利)
  • Sketchfab - Unreal to Sketchfab Exporter(美国)
  • Skypad Tech, Inc.(美国)
  • Sleepless Vulture - Rotor(意大利)
  • Sluggerfly GmbH - Hell Pie(德国)
  • MATHIEU - Unreal Frogs (法国)
  • Solis Animation(加拿大)
  • Speckle(英国)
  • Speech Graphics Ltd. - Bring Your MetaHumans to Life Using Voice(英国)
  • Squeeze Animation Studios Inc. -(加拿大)
  • Stairway Games (印度尼西亚)
  • Stanislav Denisov - UnrealCLR (俄罗斯)
  • Star Ark Enterprises(美国)
  • Stephen Still Institute for Sustainable Transportation and Logistics - Game-Based Learning to Enhance  Post-Sec Engineering Training Effectiveness(美国)
  • Stigma Studios - Lost Paradise: Become one with the Stigma(意大利)
  • Stockton R-1 Schools - Video Game Development(美国)
  • Streamline Media Group Inc. - EOS Services Partner Integration for Milestone MotoGP 2021 + Bake 'n Switch(美国)
  • Studio Jackto - Night of The Dead (韩国)
  • Studio Eon Co. Ltd. - Armored Saurus (韩国)
  • Superjump Games - The Chronos Event(美国)
  • Superposition - A Vocal Landscape (丹麦)
  • Surreal Holdings LLC - Surreal Platform(美国)
  • Symmetrical - ATLANTE Virtual Tour(意大利)
  • Taletools GmbH - Onboard(德国)
  • Talpa Games - Mail Mole (西班牙)
  • Tarun Sharma (印度)
  • Tate Multimedia - Kao the Kangaroo(波兰)
  • TEAM CLOUT Inc. - ILL(加拿大)
  • Team RELMS Ltd.(英国)
  • Teravision Games LLC - Captain Toonhead(哥伦比亚)
  • Tequila Works (西班牙)
  • The Fabricant - TF Studio, Season 0 (荷兰)
  • The Fox Software Ltd. - Futsal Mania(意大利)
  • The Future Group AS - Pixotope Live Cloud(挪威)
  • The Goldie Hawn Foundation: MindUP(美国)
  • The Hidden Genius Project - Project Holistic Development and Gaming Programming(美国)
  • The Last Gameboard - Gameboard(美国)
  • The Scholastics - Wigmund. The Return of the Hidden Knights(罗马尼亚)
  • Theia Interactive Inc. - BigRoom(美国)
  • Thiago Nascimento Nogueira - Spheres: The Ancient Fuses (巴西)
  • Thrill Digital - ThrillXR(英国)
  • Tigertron(美国)
  • TiMer Games - Aron's Adventure (荷兰)
  • CG Dive - Custom Rigify Rigs to Unreal (日本)
  • Tom Looman - Course: Video Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine (荷兰)
  • Tooteko - Unreal Engine for Architects: the Masterclass(意大利)
  • Trapdoor Creative LLC - STAGE(美国)
  • Treehouse Digital Ltd. - Treaters Short Film(英国)
  • Tribe XR - DJ in VR(美国)
  • Troglobytes Games, S.L. - Blind Fate: Edo no Yami (西班牙)
  • Troglobytes Games, S.L. - HyperParasite (西班牙)
  • TRONCO - The Very Uncommon Odysseys of BERTA & JOJO: Into the World of Mycelia! (阿根廷)
  • Turtle Cream - RP7 (韩国)
  • TWISTEDRED, Inc. - Exomecha (土耳其)
  • UE4 Community Wiki Project - UE4 Community Wiki(美国)
  • Unbound - Easy 3D Creation & Sharing at the Idea Phase of Design(美国)
  • Unevis GmbH - SOLID: Open Source, AI-Powered Automotive Pipeline(德国)
  • Universidad del Sagrado Corazón - 3D Animation, Visualization & Interactivity Advanced Coursework(美国)
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Mixed Reality in Fetal Intervention Using Unreal Engine (西班牙)
  • University of Arizona - Exploring the Universe in 3D(美国)
  • University of the Arts London(英国)
  • University of Georgia(美国)
  • University of Iowa - Media Clown(美国)
  • University of Michigan - AR System for Lunar EVAs(美国)
  • University of North Carolina at Asheville - Interfacing Unreal with Physical Computing & New Media VR Pedagogy(美国)
  • University of Salamanca - Connection and Control of Mechanical Systems with UE4 Through Industrial PLCs (西班牙)
  • University of Southern California - Ponni(美国)
  • University of Utah(美国)
  • Uprising Studios - Scarf (西班牙)
  • Valkyrie Industries - Natural Haptic API for UE4(英国)
  • Vantari VR- Critical Care Procedural Training Suite (澳大利亚)
  • VestGames GmbH - Eville(德国)
  • VideoLAN - VLC (法国)
  • Vidloonnya Reborn - Sayri: The Beginning (乌克兰)
  • Vigilante Design - MS&T HLA/DIS Certified Content Library(美国)
  • VIM - Open-Source VIM Specification and VIM to Datasmith Converter(美国)
  • Virginia Commonwealth University - Virtual Museum of Himalayan Archaeology and Ethnography(美国)
  • Vishesh Films - Home Delivery (印度)
  • VISIBLE d.o.o. - LightAct: a Media Server for Unreal Engine (斯洛文尼亚)
  • VISIONKEEPER Studio - A Game About a Flame(德国)
  • Vismaya - Playne Mobile(英国)
  • Visometry GmbH - HQ-CAD-AR on a Driving Car(德国)
  • Visual Edge Media Ltd.(英国)
  • VNTANA Inc. - VNTANA Unreal Plugin - 3D Automation Pipeline(美国)
  • VRSpeaking LLC. - Ovation(美国)
  • VYV Corporation - Photon Augmented Reality Studio(加拿大)
  • Warcave BVBA - Black Legend (比利时)
  • Western University - Using AR/VR to Improve Pediatric Surgical Patient's Hospital Experience(加拿大)
  • WhileONE - Guild Of Ascension(加拿大)
  • White Paper Games Ltd.(英国)
  • Xperienced Points - Romancelvania(美国)
  • Yivan Lee - UnrealGraphicProgramingTutorial (中国)
  • Zetane Systems Inc. - Zetane+Unreal plugin(加拿大)
  • Shanghai Yinxin Network Technology Co., Ltd. - Nigate Tale (中国)
  • Xingyi Network Technology - The Immortal Mayor (中国)

关于Epic MegaGrants的更多详情,请访问unrealengine.com/megagrants。


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